Cardassianischer Sektor

Der Cardassianischer Sektor ist ein Sektor in dem Alpha-Quadrant.

Badlands (Raum Abenteuerzone) B’lii-System
Cardassianisches System Goralis-System
Mirish-System Oradhe-System


Norden: Defera-Sektor Osten: Bajor-Sektor (einschließlich Deep Space 9)
Süden: Algira-Sektor Westeb: Arawath-Sektor

3 Antworten auf „Cardassianischer Sektor“

    1. Thank you very much, ohhh how long?
      I’ve started it 3 times over the years.
      Unfortunately, our policy has also been adjusted so that we are no longer allowed to take pictures on the internet, since then I’ve just had them online. The statistics from Google say that it is always well visited, so I leave it online. I made my first page in the year 2000.

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